Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 8

Ezra 4:24-6:22 KJV NLT

1Corinthians 3:5-23 KJV NLT

Paul's third missionary journey which includes Corinth.

Tonight I think I will discuss about this reading. I was wondering who this person Apollos was that Paul kept on referring to in this letter to the Corinthians. After some research I discovered that Apollos was an influential teacher of The Gospel. There are conflicting reports as to whether he and Paul were rivals. This supposed rivalry led to quarrels among the Corinthians and Paul took this letter as the opportunity to address it. Paul seems to address it in the following verses :7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. 9 For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building. Paul tries to establish in the minds of his readers that he has been the expert teacher in laying down the foundation they need, but that they need to be weary of those that follow after him attempting to try and do the same thing. Apollos still maintained his preaching and joined Paul on his journey to Corinth and Ephesus despite the quarrels and disputes that occurred in Corinth.
*One more fact : the famous protestant , Martin Luther , believes that Apollos is the the writer of the book of Hebrews. That has yet to be proven.

Psalm 29:1-11 KJV NLT

Psalm 29

A psalm of David.

1 Honor the Lord, you heavenly beings[a];
honor the Lord for his glory and strength.
2 Honor the Lord for the glory of his name.
Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.

3 The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea.
The God of glory thunders.
The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.
4 The voice of the Lord is powerful;
the voice of the Lord is majestic.
5 The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars;
the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes Lebanon’s mountains skip like a calf;
he makes Mount Hermon[b] leap like a young wild ox.
7 The voice of the Lord strikes
with bolts of lightning.
8 The voice of the Lord makes the barren wilderness quake;
the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
9 The voice of the Lord twists mighty oaks[c]
and strips the forests bare.
In his Temple everyone shouts, “Glory!”

10 The Lord rules over the floodwaters.
The Lord reigns as king forever.
11 The Lord gives his people strength.
The Lord blesses them with peace.

Proverbs 20:26-27 KJV NLT

26 A wise king scatters the wicked like wheat,
then runs his threshing wheel over them.
The Lord’s light penetrates the human spirit,[a]
exposing every hidden motive.

Tomorrow's Reading

Ezra 7:1- 8:20 KJV NLT
1 Corinthians 4:1-21
Psalm 30:1-12 KJV NLT
Proverbs 20:28-30 KJV NLT

1 comment:

  1. I thought I would share some of these writings with you to augment your personal gleanings. In my devotions, these are some of the resources that I use when reading the Bible.

    The evidence that they walked not according to the Spirit and the
    wisdom of God, was the strife and factions which existed among them. They
    were carnal and walked according to man. This party spirit among them had
    its source not in the Spirit Of God, but in the flesh. In it, not the Lord
    was glorified, but man was exalted. They were more occupied with Paul and
    Apollos, their persons and talents, than with the Lord Jesus Christ. In
    this way sectarianism began, as the fruit of the flesh. And the remedy for
    it is "seeing no man but Jesus only." If the Lord Jesus Christ is owned in
    His glory, and union with Him is enjoyed, then the carnal condition ends
    and the believer walks in the Spirit and glories no longer in man. Paul and
    Apollos were but servants by whom they had believed. It is true Paul
    planted; Apollos coming after him, watered, but God gave the increase. God
    is all. And any man, whether he planteth or watereth, shall receive his own
    reward according to his own labor. They were God's fellow-workmen and the
    Saints are God's husbandry (tillage), God's building. And so all true
    servants of the Lord, though differing in gifts, are one in this that they
    are instruments in God's hand.

    In the professing church today are uncountable numbers, who have crept
    in unawares: they were never born again and therefore they work corruption
    and will perish. Therefore "let no man deceive himself." The Corinthians
    were setting aside the wisdom of the Spirit and were being seduced by the
    wisdom of the world, which is foolishness with God. They marred the temple
    of God by their carnal spirit, trusting in men and glorying in men. In
    God's gracious purpose as revealed by the Spirit of God all things were
    theirs. Paul, Apollos and Cephas were the chosen instruments of God for
    blessing them. As believers they had all things and belong to none but
    Christ and through Christ to God Himself.
    As to the authorship of the book of Hebrews, you can read the following at your leisure. Sorry, its a little lengthy.
